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Presentation accepted at CAAUK2019

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Catriona Cooper

The CEEF team have had an abstract accepted for presentation at Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology National Meeting in Bournemouth this October. Details of our presentation are below and we look forward to chatting with everyone about 3d in the museum sector!

Creative Out-Petts: 3D technologies at the Fitzwilliam Museum

Dr Catriona Cooper, Dr Abi Glen, Daniel Pett, Dr Melanie Pitkin, Dr Jo Vine and Dr Jennifer Wexler Institution Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge

3D printing and 3D technologies have been rapidly adopted by museums and heritage institutions for public engagement and alongside this creative economy industries have boomed to keep up with the market. While there is much anecdotal evidence for the use of these technologies there has been limited investigation into how they can be effectively adopted. In this short presentation we will discuss four projects which combine expertise from three key actors in the heritage ecosystem: a university, a museum and industrial collaborators, to explore the use of 3D prints and technology of public engagement.

Each project explores different opportunities for the sector but also highlights the importance of careful consideration over the most appropriate technology prior to deployment.

These case studies will provide an evidence base for how 3D prints can be applied successfully, and unsuccessfully, within a heritage setting while also allowing our small industry partners Museum in a Box (MIAB) and ThinkSee3D (TS3D) to guide our research from a consumer based perspective and develop their products by working with their target audience.

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