The intended outcome of this strand of the CEEF fellowship is to ‘send the Fitz, in bits’—i.e. to post small themed collections of 3D printed objects and paper materials for consumers to use with a ‘Brain Box’ from Museum in a Box. Through sending these low-cost collections to audiences with minimal access to wider cultural provision, we could drastically increase the reach of the museum’s collections as well as attract new and more diverse audiences to the museum itself.
In the first instance, we will be running pilot schemes in clinical settings and with disadvantaged communities in rural Cambridgeshire. The first prototype collection will be themed around the upcoming major exhibition, EAT FEAST FAST: the art of food in Europe, 1500-1800 (26 November 2019-19 April 2020).
Abi is the only fellow to be working full time on this project for a block of 6 months.